Creating and maintaining a translation

Do it Yourself

  1. Create a LinLocalize translation project
  2. Open the Project Window and create the resource from the original source for all languages
  3. Translate
    1. using the Translation Windows
    2. using translation memories
    3. using the translation properties edit window and Google translate
    4. using autotranslate from the Translation Window, including Google Translate.

Maintain translations after the original source has been changed

    1. Save each translation as a translation memory (.glo file) from the Translation Window
    2. Update all languages from the project window
    3. Add your saved translations (.glo file) to the Project Glossaries or to the Global Glossaries via Tools | Glossaries
    4. Auto-translate using translation memories only
    5. Translate the new strings

N.B. Often, when an original source has been changed, resourcestrings obtain a new resource identification even though the string in it self has not been changed. It is therefore useful to save your existing translations as a .glo translation memory and re-use them.

Using a professional translator

  1. Create a LinLocalize translation project
  2. Open the Project Window and create the resource from the original source for all languages
  3. Prepare the translation in the Source Window
    1. Hide strings which need no translation, such as "-" and "(%d %d)"
    2. Mark strings as Read-only which are directed at programmers in stead of users, such as "Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application." or "Listbox (%s) style must be virtual in order to set Count".
  4. Export each string to be translated from the Source Window as a .trltxt or gettext .pot UTF-8 text file and send this to the translator. These files can be edited by a common text editor, which can handle UTF-8. Notepad++ is recommended.
  5. Import the obtained translations as glossaries using the Add-button in the Global Glossary window or the Project Glossary Window.
  6. Auto-translate using translation memories only.

Do it yourself and ask a translator or native speaker to review the translations

  1. Create a LinLocalize translation project
  2. Open the Project Window and create the resource from the original source for all languages
  3. Translate using the Translation Window, the Translations Properties Edit Window. Mark strings as Read-only which need no translation.
  4. Export each translation from the Translation Window as a .trltxt or gettext .po UTF-8 text file and send this out for review. These files can be edited by a common text editor, which can handle UTF-8. Notepad++ is recommended.
  5. Import the reviewed translations as glossaries using the Add-button in the Global Glossary window or the Project Glossary Window.
  6. Auto-translate using translation memories only.