Open a project via File | Open project ... Project files have a llp extension.
Double clicking on a source or translation language opens a source list of strings or a translated list of strings.
Properties. Open the Properties
window of Source or a Translation. In the properties window the Target file
format can be chose, either a shared resource file or a executable. A shared
resource file with a two letter standard language
extension, for instance LinLocalize.DE, can be read and used automatically
by the original Delphi executable. Alternatively, the resource can be written
to a copy of a source executable, for instance LinLocalizeDE.exe to create a
stand-alone translated executable file. Furthermore, you can check the status
of source and target of the translation. More about language definitions.
from resource. Creates a new string list or updates an existing one when the
resource is changed. Firstly, the resource has to be read and written to <full
source file name>.res, for instance LinLocalize.exe.res. The source string
list is saved in <full source file name>.src, for instance LinLocalize.exe.src.
Then each translation list has to be created. The translation string lists are
written to <full source file name>.LA.trl, where LA stands for language.
For instance LinLocalize.exe.SP.trl.; in this example SP represents the Spanish
N.B. This update is necessary for all languages when the original source has been changed.
Target. Creates a target file
for the selected translation. This can be either a shared resource file, or
an executable with all strings embedded. See above, Properties.
Project Settings.
View and change the project settings, notably sources and languages.
Glossaries. The glossaries or .glo files are the translation memories
of LinLocalize that can be used for automatic translations. See
Using Glossaries for more information. You can add glossaries from your
own translations, as well as from external translation memories, such as .tmx
files, or gettext .mo and .po-files.